Whole Human Healing

Sarah Clark LAc

It is your heart’s deepest wisdom and the innate intelligence of your body that guide us in your healing. 


Deep listening and InnerDialogue work are the heart of the treatment. In our sessions, we use the somatic language of mudras and muscle testing to elicit a profound understanding of what wants to be healed in you. This can help us address acute issues, but also frequently reveals long-held trauma in the nervous system, habitual ancestral patterning, or limiting beliefs that are now manifesting as restrictive physical symptoms or disease.

Using a somatic language to communicate with your higher self helps us safely access a deeper knowing that may be beyond language, preverbal, or rooted in trauma that overwhelmed the language centers of our brain when it happened. Once we have elicited this deeper understanding, I continue to follow your body and support you to unwind, open, and transform. One of the extraordinary benefits of this work is that we engage the body and mind at once, thus making it possible to heal more swiftly and profoundly. 

Some of my clients have done decades of talk therapy for childhood trauma and are ready to release on the somato-emotional level. Some have been living with anxiety and depression or chronic physical symptoms and are longing to reconnect with health and joy. Some of my clients are recovering from car accidents or more acute trauma. Some are facing major life transitions and need support to allow for the expansion of consciousness that’s being called for. And some simply feel drawn to the work without knowing exactly why. No matter the reason, it is your heart’s deepest wisdom and the innate intelligence of your body that guide us in your healing. 


Existing and new clients can schedule below or contact me.  I offer sessions both online and in person.


Healing the Ancestral Heart though the Five Elements: An Introduction; Meets Weekly for Five Weeks

As we stand in in our light and commit to being in our truth and our integrity, many of us are now feeling called to heal our inherited wounding. No matter how distant we may feel from our lineages, through our own hearts we can heal the transgenerational wounds we’ve been carrying. And when we free ourselves that freedom ripples backward and forward through time.

Using the potency of the Classical Five Element wheel, we will answer the call to transform our painful inherited patterning, to mine the true gifts of our ancestors, and to heal our ancestral hearts.

Space is limited. This will be a closed group to facilitate sacred space for sharing and healing.

Please contact us to book this treatment. (503) 473-9810

Healing Your Earthen Heart: an Online Class June 18th 11AM-1PM

The earth element supports us at the center of our being. It is our anchor. When our earth is healthy, we give and receive in sacred reciprocity; we have deep trust in ourselves and we stand in our integrity with ease. When our earth is out of balance, we can feel exhausted by life, our digestion can be off, we might overgive, or find it challenging to give, and it can be difficult to receive. Please join me for two hours of honoring and healing our relationship to our own heart of earth through the alchemical lens of the Classical Chinese Five Elements and the wisdom of Chinese peasant saint Wang Fenyi.

This is a stand-alone class and is also the first in a series on healing the heart through the Five Elements.

Cost is $50

$68, $50 if registered by May 18th