Are you looking for a way to stay connected to your agency and creative center during this difficult time? Do you want an easy way to share space with others creatively? Are you looking for a creative and therapeutic way to improve your health? Research shows that expressive writing about our lives, or therapeutic journaling, can improve our mental and physical health.

In addition to my training as an acupuncturist and somatic and intuitive healer, I also have an Master of Fine Arts in writing and taught writing for several years before following my calling to become a healer.

With all we’re going through collectively, I’m being called to merge these two parts of my life to open up a new healing space of creative self expression. We’ll write to simple, evocative prompts that help us discover more deeply what we know and connect with our sense of agency and empowerment.

Please join me on Mondays from 12PM-1PM for a five week series of guided expressive writing followed by time for reflection and compassionate self response. Sharing will be offered as an option and never required.

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